Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Parkersburg: July 31, 1911

When you are driving south on US 231 this summer, just before you leave the county, you will go through a small town named Parkersburg. Imagine what your route would look like on July 31, 1911, as shown in this photograph. On the back of the photo it is written: "Henry Fall (on horse) stops for a drink at the famed Parkersburg Springs, which was a favorite spot for travelers. The store in the background was owned by John and Jack Flanigan."

The spring (left side of the picture) has "Good Water" written on it, on the photograph.

This photograph (7 x 12 cm.) was donated by Lee Salome Burket in 2005.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Shaver's Hatchery

Noel Shaver raised turkeys and chickens and piloted his own plane to deliver these animals. When Shaver decided to build a new structure (after 19 years in unpretentious quarters) he chose the lot at the corner of Market and Walnut (in 2014 this building serves as the NAPA store). Shaver held the conviction that absolute honesty is a prime necessity and that his advertisement had to be completely truthful! His integrity kept clients returning for years. On May 18, 1949 Shaver read a statement before the Committee on Agriculture House of Representatives in Washington, D.C. as the President of International Baby Chick Association with the theme of building a Utopia for the American farmer is an impossible goal. Shaver worked endlessly to create the perfect environment for the baby chicks and turkeys.

The building in the process of construction

Shaver Hatchery 22 November 1946 on opening day
Horace Mann School can be seen in the background.  In the completed building picture you can see the Consoer's Standard Service Gas Station at the corner of Walnut and Market.  This link will take you to the library Image database.  Here you can search for more Shaver's Hatchery photographs.

Friday, July 25, 2014

July 26-27, 1958: the record-setting Malcolm Ross

Commander Malcolm D. Ross is being awarded his first Distinguished Flying Cross (he was awarded two) in this photograph. The following is the caption on the back of the photograph: "Naval Balloonist Commander Ross Receives Distinguished Flying Cross -- Commander Malcolm D. Ross USNR naval balloon pilot receives the Distinguished Flying Cross from James H. Wakelin, Assistant Secretary of the Navy for research and development. Mrs. Ross, the commander's wife, and daughter Jane witnessed the August 25 ceremony. The citation was awarded "For extraordinary achievement in aerial flight as command pilot of a two man navy balloon and gondola during a daring an hazardous ascent into the upper stratosphere on 26-27 July 1958. In addition to setting a new unofficial world endurance record for sustained flight into the stratosphere of thirty-four hours and thirty-nine minutes, he also successfully completed approximately twenty-seven other scientific experiments conducted aloft as a scheduled part of the flight. Attracting widespread public attention and acclaim. By his outstanding professional skill, courage and inspiring efforts, Commander Ross made a highly significant contribution to man's scientific conquest of space." This Official U.S. Navy Photo was donated to the library by Marjorie Ross, Malcolm Ross' widow, November 2010. This photograph is in a set with p168-962 to 977.

Malcolm Ross graduated from Linden High School in1936.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Snoddy Draining Pond being built

The horses were used to pull heavy pipe to help with trenching.
Featured here is a ditch being built. The photo stated it was a Draining Pond (Snoddy) and was two miles north of Alamo. If this is the case, it is probably in the early 1900s. In 1911 Isaac Davis still owned 280 acres north of Alamo. By 1917, his daughter Jessie D. Snoddy (married Samuel Alfred Snoddy in 1897) was listed as the owner. Thus, this digging probably occurred in Section 14 of Ripley Township. In 1928, Henry Lee, Charles King, and Edwin Mason are listed as owning these 280 acres. Later, Roscoe Elmore owned this area. The land is currently owned by Dean and Edith Rush (and originally purchased in 1829 by Hiram Powell). If anyone recognizes any of these men (or if you know where this was definitely built) please let us know at the Crawfordsville Library 765-362-2242 x 117.

Monday, July 21, 2014

2579th Company CCC Camp, SCS-3, Waveland in 1937

If you have never heard of the CCC or Civilian Conservation Corps, it is an interesting piece of America's History.  In March1937 this photograph was taken at Shades State Park near Waveland, Indiana. These men were employed to assist in projects to beautify and better the surroundings. During the New Deal the CCC employed unmarried men, ages 18-25, during 1933-1942 as a public work relief program.  Three billion trees were planted, 800 parks constructed, public roadways built in remote areas, service buildings erected, and State Parks were upgraded. Thus, when you visit Shades State Park, think of these men who likely helped blaze a trail, secure a ravine, or dig a pond.
The men at Shades on March 11, 1937

The Image Database contains the pictures related to the CCC and lists the men at the camp during this time.
The Recreation Hall.  Photographs donated by Angie Jeffers.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Alexander Henderson, 95 year old of Wayne Township

Alexander Henderson, known as Uncle Alex, was a beloved member of the Waynetown area. He was born in North Carolina in 1815, but lived in Indiana by 1828. Henderson was a farmer with $12,000 in Real Estate Value (Land in Sec 4 of Wayne) and $2,000 in Personal Estate in 1870; was a member of the Methodist Church; and was an uncompromising Democrat. Uncle Alex was quoted as saying, "I am a man of very steady habits. I rise at 4 o'clock, winter and summer. Never took a drink of whiskey, never a chew of tobacco, never smoked a cigar, never fired a gun, and never owed a store bill over night in my life." At the time of his death in March 1911 he was the oldest man in Wayne Township probably due to his sturdy Quaker stock. Since he was a farmer, his family was large, but he was left with only five living children (he lost his wife thirteen years prior) by 1911.
Photo provided by Shirley Fruits

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Yountsville Bridge construction in the 1940s

The original Yountsville Bridge (or at least the original bridge there is record of) was built in 1858 by Henry (and/or Aaron) Wolff and was considered a burr, double tunnel bridge. It was one of the highest ever built and reached 40 feet above the creek bed. 
Original covered bridge

Two hundred thirty-five people paid $3,635.50 to cover the cost. This structure was over 160 feet long (plus 11 feet of overhang on each end). For 87 years this covered bridge carried passengers to and from Yountsville. By the 1940s it was apparent this piece of history would need to make way for a more solid structure.

Below is the bridge being built in the 1940s.  Notice the men on the bridge and the scaffolding being raised. Ironically, in 1979 extensive repairs were made to ensure the safety of this structure.
This structure cost $246,364.50 more than the covered bridge.

Monday, July 14, 2014

59 years of marriage for Wayne Township couple both born in March 1839

A patron was recently having difficulty with the microfilm, and our intervention led to an intriguing piece of history. The couple pictured here were both born in Ohio in 1839. Later, Montgomery County, Indiana, became their destination.

Nancy Baldwin was the daughter of Rev. Lewis Bannon (who was a circuit rider and later became a member of the New Light Christian Church). "Rider Bannon" (as his obituary states) lived to be 101 and moved to Montgomery County in 1839 (probably right after Nancy was born) to spread the gospel. Ms. Bannon married Joseph A. Baldwin (son of Mr. and Mrs. Absalum Baldwin) in December 1859 and they were blessed with nine children (all living at the time of their 53rd wedding anniversary -- the picture shown here). As members of the Middletown (later Waynetown) community, Joseph was a farmer. But census records reveal he was also a tax assessor and dealer of fur hides. Joseph passed away on 16 December 1918, and Nancy followed 12 years later (April 1930) with an amazing legacy, at the time, of 36 grandchildren, 51 great-grandchildren, and 3 great-great-grandchildren.
Joseph A. and Nancy Bannon Baldwin

Friday, July 11, 2014

Area farmer and teacher almost makes century mark

A.D. Harpel, wife Cora, and son

The photograph featured here of A.D. Harpel and family was found in a photo album of Alexander Henderson, which Shirley Fruits generously loaned to the Reference/Local History Department to digitize.

A.D. Harpel was the first teacher of  Daisy Hendricks Fruits (Alexander's granddaughter). A.D. (Andrew Douglas) Harpel was born in Newton County, but lived in Montgomery County almost his entire 97 years. "Doug" Harpel was 6 days shy of being 98 when he passed away. He married Cora Effie Fruits in April 1894, and they were blessed with three sons and three daughters. Not only was he a farmer and teacher, he was also a charter member of the Montgomery County Farm Bureau and a former member of the Farm Bureau's Board of Directors.  Mr. Harpel attended the Old Ladoga Normal School and Wabash College. You can view Harpel's Teacher Examination scores on our database of Teacher Records. The post office he used when taking these teaching examinations was Yountsville, and when he was 29 he scored the highest out of all teachers in the Arithmetic category.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Millinery Shop in Crawfordsville, 1800s

Virginia "Jennie" Cade was born in Covington, Indiana in April of 1851. She was the youngest  of six children born to David and Mary Ann Reed Cade. Jennie Cade came to Crawfordsville around age 30 after leaving the family farm in Fountain County. In an April 10, 1880 issue of Crawfordsville Weekly Review, Jennie had been to Cincinnati to buy millinery goods for the Boston store. Ms. Cade worked at Graham's Busy Store in 1901 and was the Manager of the Millinery Department where "a fine line of new styles in plain and trimmed walking and street hats, and will also sell flowers, feathers and ribbons at prices to clean up this department well for the arrival of new goods for the coming fall season." (Crawfordsville Daily Journal 30 Aug 1901 p.8). After working for Graham's Busy Store she opened a shop with Mrs. Anna M. Allison at 207 E. Main Street around 1916. Ms. Cade was also a member of Wabash Avenue Presbyterian Church and was in the Business and Professional Women's Club. At the time of her death (September 1937) Ms. Cade was the city's oldest business woman and had operated her shop for twenty-one years.
1890s.  Jennie Cade is in the middle.
Her niece, Minnie Cade (Belcher) is the petite woman.
The tall woman is unidentified.
Photo donated by Ruth Evans

Saturday, July 5, 2014

My Favorite Town

We just received a donation of the August 1950 issue of the Ford Times -- which contains a short article on Crawfordsville, written by Charles E. Cox and illustrated by Wilbur E. Meese. This 7-page article is now online for you to enjoy: "My Favorite Town -- Crawfordsville, Indiana" (.pdf)

The Ford Times was a monthly publication of the Ford Motor Company, and it ran from 1908 until 1996. This small magazine ran stories about vacations spots or places of historic interest, with a smattering of recipes and anecdotes.The issues were amply illustrated.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Ladoga Lumber

This ruler was donated by a patron recently to add to our Carnegie Museum's business display.  Not only was this ruler an advertisement but also a level and handy tool.  What a clever idea!  Unfortunately, the ruler is not dated.  According to the Ladoga Leader February 28, 1929 issue "John M. Myers has sold the Myers and Myers Lumber and Coal Yard to the J.W. Pinnell Lumber Company of Indianapolis, which firm owns a number of yards in nearby towns, including Lebanon and Jamestown.  The new owners take possession Monday, March 4, 1929 and will send a local manager to take charge at that time.  Mr. Myers expects to go to Canada in the near future where he will have charge of a lumber mill."

J.W. Pinnell was born in Kentucky prior to 1860 and lived in Boone County, Indiana.  By 1900 he was a Lumber Merchant.  On July 12, 1938, in the Montgomery County Circuit Court, a list of proprietors was filed.  M.P. Graham is likely the daughter of J.W., Mary.  J.W. Pinnell (is probably the grandson, Julius), H.A. (Herbert, son of the original J.W.), Irene (mother of  the grandson Julius).  It appears that William O. (Irene's husband) passed away before the 1940 Census, thus, a new Certificate of Partnership was probably required.

Partnership Certificate filed in Montgomery
County, Indiana

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Carry Nation cleans up Crawfordsville, July 1901

Carry Nation [aka Carrie Nation] is pictured in this portrait taken by Nicholson's Sons studio in Crawfordsville, Ind. Carry Nation accepted an invitation by the Elks to visit Crawfordsville and was the main attraction of Independence Day festivities on July 4, 1901. Notorious for attacking saloons with hatchets, Carry Nation handed out souvenir hatchets to locals and proudly wears a hatchet pin in this portrait.

You can read all about how Carry Nation "cleaned up" Crawfordsville in Hidden History of Montgomery County (written by CDPL staff). Get a copy at the library (check it out, or purchase at the Circulation desk).